Meet Brody, he was a third-grade student at Mt. Olive Primary School last year who participated in Read United (2019-2020). Through Read United, Brody had one-on-one attention from his reading buddy. He really looked forward to it each Thursday. By the end of the school year, Brody improved two grade levels! He also won the award for “The Most Improved Student of the Year.” His teacher, Mr. Ashcraft, said participating in Read United improved Brody’s overall confidence, especially in reading. He blossomed as the year went on and found enjoyment in reading. He now loves science! Some of this came from being able to build his reading skills. As levels and scores in reading go up, the number of books open to them soars.
We are thankful to be able to continue our Read United program virtually this year. Our Read United volunteers are dedicated to making reading fun for their students and helping them feel confident by modeling positive reading behavior!