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Helping young people realize their full potential

Youth opportunity

Every young person deserves the opportunity to thrive. At United Way, we help children get off to a good start and empower youth to reach their full potential by breaking down barriers to success. We advance what works, including early childhood education, literacy development, access to a high-quality K-12 education, enrichment opportunities like afterschool and summer programs, college and career readiness, and family engagement, fostering a future where every young person can realize their dreams.

In the Chattahoochee Valley…


children not attending preschool


children chronically absent


children in our region live in Asset Limited, Income Constratined, Employed (ALICE) households

What We’re Doing

United Way and our community partners are committed to providing unique opportunities and resources for children to succeed in school and beyond.

child with hearing aid laughing in swing
The basics Chattahoochee Valley

Children’s brains grow the most during the first three years of life, and simple, daily, positive interactions can help give them a great start in life. 

Community Schools United

Our Community Schools United strategy is transforming neighborhoods into centers where schools, students, families, and community thrive as a unit to achieve student success.

student in technology
Workforce Development

We are committed to supporting students in excelling academically and transitioning smoothly into meaningful employment, setting them on a path towards long-term success and financial stability.

With Your Help…


students attending our programs have good school attendance positively affecting their educational experience


students participating in our funded afterschool programs gained paid internships or employment providing valuable skills preparing THEM for the workforce


students participating in community schools programming experienced growth in core subject areas

Next Gen Talent:

Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce Today

Next-Gen Talent: Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce Today was a Workforce Development Summit that brought together employers and educators to align needs, connect with other leaders, spark powerful ideas, and shape strategies to develop the next generation of talent for our region.

What You Can Do

United Way is creating pathways for our neighbors to thrive. We hope you’ll join us in building a better future for the Chattahoochee Valley.