Deni’s story begins at 17 years old when she starts dating a man 7 years her senior who was controlling and abusive.

The abuse went from verbal abuse to physical abuse within a matter of months. She felt too beaten down to leave, even though deep down she knew the way he treated her was wrong.
One night, he cracked her nose, punched her in the throat and knocked the wind out of her. Thankfully, someone was there and called her family and the police. Deni left him, but like many other domestic abuse victims, she went back to her abuser again. He continued to abuse her. After an incident that left her badly injured, she finally left her abuser for good.
Deni discovers Hope Harbour
Deni searched for resources for domestic violence victims online and found Hope Harbor.
“Hope Harbour has been a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. They are truly a lifesaver in a storm when you are drowning and thinking of giving up.” – Deni
Hope Harbour listened to her, provided her with information about domestic violence, and gave her options to pursue for her safety. They helped her grow stronger and understand that the abuse wasn’t her fault.

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If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, Hope Harbour has a 24-hour crisis line to reach out to. Call (706) 324-3850 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.