Hannah learned of Ferst Readers through a local radio station. At that moment, she realized the importance of early childhood literacy. Hannah registered her two-year-old daughter Ari for the Ferst Readers’ program that mails books to children monthly, free of charge.
Ferst Readers, a United Way partner agency that encourages early childhood literacy, addresses the barriers to literacy that Hannah faced as a child coming from a single parent home and a low-income environment that did not encourage reading.

Now six years old, Ari is a strong reader that comprehends, reads and writes words. She also reads to her little sister Frances. At four years old, Frances recognizes letters, numbers and identifies sight words.
Her children’s ability to read has spread joy to Hannah in a personal way as well.
“I was in the shower one day and the glass was foggy from the heat. Ari wrote on the glass, ‘I love you, Mama’. My heart was full at my daughter’s expression of love and I know that without programs supported through United Way such as Ferst Readers’ books program, she might not have been able to write her feelings as a six year old like she can today.” – Hannah