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211 & Community Resource Center
Branding Campaign Proposal

  • Purpose

United Way &
211 Connection

Opportunity to reinforce 211 as a United Way strategy

  • Intentional use of UW in messaging & assets
  • 211 & UW messaging overlap

  • Market Analysis

In 2022 we partnered with Columbus State for a brand survey. We included a few questions about 211.

The survey results showed:

  • Most were not familiar with 211.
  • Younger participants felt they were familiar.
  • Most people heard about 211 through their employer.

  • Marketing Objectives

Share about 211, increase awareness in the community, and boost connection with United Way

Measuring success through:

  • Proposed Strategy

  • Budget

20K: Sum of advertising budget
10K: Sum of marketing materials, video assets
10K: Sum of printing budget

  • Thank You
let's get started animated text and animated characters jumping to high five

Next Steps

  • Meeting with Village Films
  • Develop assets
  • Develop tagline:
    United Way’s 211: Ready to listen, Prepared to help, Here for you
    Shortened to United Way’s 211, Here for You
  • Define messaging for audiences