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Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Callers please give your feedback about the weekly call by completing the Community Call Survey: cfcv.com/Coronavirus, Community Call tab
National and State Update-Ben Moser
Ben gave the following updates concerning the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 from national, state, and local news sources:
New York Times:
- Soaring cases of the coronavirus are forcing cities and states across the country to halt plans to restart their economies and even reimpose earlier limits on public life, increasing worries that premature reopening could lead to a second round of closures.
- In Texas, which reported a record high of more than 5,000 new cases on Tuesday, the governor told local officials they could restrict outdoor gatherings to 100 people and urged residents to stay home. Maine officials called off plans to allow bars to resume serving drinks inside on July 1. The governor of Kansas said rising cases showed that the state was “not ready” to continue easing restrictions. And in parts of central Idaho, where coronavirus cases have exploded in recent weeks, bars are shutting down and gatherings of more than 50 people are again outlawed.
Washington Post:
- New coronavirus cases continued to rise in many parts of the United States, as seven states — Arizona, Arkansas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas — reported record-high numbers of hospitalizations since the pandemic began. Thirty-three states and U.S. territories reported a higher rolling average than last week. Even as case numbers climb, the federal government is poised to stop providing federal aid to testing sites in some hard-hit states, including Texas.
Wall Street Journal:
- U.S. stock futures fell Wednesday as pockets of coronavirus infections emerged in several states, adding to concerns about a second wave of cases around the world that could lead to renewed restrictions on business activity.
- Futures tied to the S&P 500 dropped 0.8%, suggesting the benchmark index will open lower in New York. The stocks gauge has risen for six of the past eight trading days, boosted by indicators showing a rebound in economic activity after a steep downturn in the spring.
In Georgia:
- From the Ledger Enquirer: Muscogee County reported 128 new coronavirus cases Tuesday — the largest 24-hour increase since the beginning of the pandemic, according to data analyzed by the Ledger-Enquirer.
- Tuesday’s increase is more than double the previous high of 60 new cases reported on June 9. To date, 1,341 coronavirus cases and 39 COVID-19 related deaths have been confirmed in Muscogee County.
In Alabama:
- Alabama Department of Public Health confirmed 639 new coronavirus cases in Alabama on Tuesday. That’s 200 more than Monday’s new case total, though still down from some of the record highs set earlier this month.
Columbus Area Updates
Columbus Consolidated Government Update-Mayor Skip Henderson
Mayor Henderson gave the following updates:
- Big spike in positive cases yesterday; watching the seven-day average
- Some of the spike could be in part to more testing and results coming back faster
- A lot of the spike could be attributed to people having a false sense of confidence that the virus is not an issue; need everyone to partner together to help stop the spread of the virus in our community
- As was mentioned on last week, some of the city’s outdoor facilities are open. However, indoor recreation facilities and the natatorium (would only be able to allow 20 people in the pool) remain closed due to the spike in numbers and the increase in deaths; the city will reevaluate whether or not to open indoor facilities again on July 13, 2020
- Concerned about the July 4th holiday as there was a spike in cases after the Memorial Day holiday
- Strongly urging people to wear mask in public. Recommending and urging businesses to make it a condition to enter their stores
- Grateful to those who have been working hard to help prevent spreading the virus; we need to stay the course
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) Update-Jack Lockwood
Jack gave the following updates:
- Columbus Health Department services will be moving to the new location on Veterans Parkway on July 1; 2020; this includes all services for the public
- The health department will be testing this Saturday from 9:00am-12:00noon at the Comer Avenue location; testing during the week is from 7:00am-11:00am due to the weather
- Reminder to wear mask, wash hands and maintain social distancing to help reduce the spread of the virus
Muscogee County School District Update-Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis gave the following updates:
- The school district is conducting a series of forums and surveys for their parents, their employees and employers in the community to help form plans for reopening school in the fall; this will take place through Sunday; asked callers to please complete the survey if they receive one
- Also beginning July 6, 2020, the athletic department is planning to begin conditioning training depending upon health conditions with the coronavirus
Coronavirus Response Fund (Crisis Fund) Update-Betsy Covington
Betsy gave the following updates:
- This week’s grants award total $13,508 to four organizations: Beth Salem Presbyterian Church, Girls Inc. of Columbus and Phenix-Russell, The House of T.I.M.E. and the Sexual Assault Support Center (The Center at 909). Details at cfcv.com/coronavirus
- Total grants to date are $1,021,776 thanks to our community; there is still a lot of need so please continue your support
- Asked callers to give their feedback about the weekly call by completing the Community Call Survey: cfcv.com/Coronavirus, Community Call tab
Open Forum Updates
St. Francis Emory Healthcare Update-Melody Trimble
Melody gave the following updates:
- Experiencing higher than normal volume of COVID-19 patients
- More patients are able to go home, however, more patients are entering the emergency room and being admitted for COVID-19
- The hospital is fully open and able to provide services that are needed
MercyMed Update-Billy Holbrook
Billy gave the following updates:
- MercyMed will be conducting testing on next Tuesday at 3448 North Lumpkin Road. More details to come
- Translation will be available for the Spanish speaking population
- MercyMed is conducting testing daily at their 2nd Avenue location by appointment
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer Update-Adrienne Underwood
Adrienne gave the following updates:
- Adrienne introduced herself. She is a new reporter at the Ledger-Enquirer focusing on Coronavirus Recovery in the Columbus area
- She can be reached at aunderwood@ledger-enquirer.com