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National and State Update-Ben Moser
Ben gave the following updates concerning the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 from national, state and local news sources:
New York Times:
- Fires burned outside the White House, the streets of New York City were gripped by mayhem and stores in Santa Monica, California were looted after another day of peaceful protest descended into lawlessness in major cities across the United States.
- It was the sixth day of unrest since the death of George Floyd last week in Minneapolis. The National Guard was deployed to assist overwhelmed police departments and dozens of mayors extended curfews.
- Across the country, mayors, public health experts and other officials worry that even though many protestors were wearing mask the risk of new coronavirus cases will increase as thousands gather.
Washington Post:
- The coronavirus pandemic has created a staggering childcare crisis that threats to undermine the reopening of the U.S. economy. More than one third of families report that someone had stayed home from work with children due to the outbreak according to a nation survey by the Urban Institute, an economic policy research group.
Wall Street Journal:
- U.S. stock futures edge lower Monday on concerns that escalating tensions between Washington and Beijing will further weigh on trade between the world’s two largest economies.
- Futures tied to the S&P 500 ticked down 0.2% erasing gains posted earlier in the day.
- Investors said sentiment soured after Bloomberg News reported on Monday that China has ordered companies to temporarily halt imports of some U.S. farm goods including soybeans.
In Georgia:
- From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: As protests spilled into metro area communities this weekend, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms offered demonstrators a few words of advice. “If you were out protesting, you probably need to go get a COVID-19 test this week,” Bottoms said during a press conference Saturday evening.
In Alabama:
- From AL as a reminder – For COVID-19 resources for businesses and individuals, please visit altogetheralabama.org
Columbus Area Updates
Columbus Consolidated Government Update-Mayor Skip Henderson
Mayor Henderson gave the following updates:
- The numbers continue to rise; there are 625 cases in Muscogee County
- They are monitoring the hospitalization rate; it has risen as well; however, resources are in good shape
- Pleading with citizens to keep practicing social distancing and wear a mask
- New dynamic involved with the protestors; while the city supports peaceful protests, protestors are encouraged to wear mask and try to keep distancing to prevent spreading the virus
- The Governor’s order has allowed bars to reopen today under strict guidelines; suggest owners/operators go to the Governor’s website and print guidelines
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) Update-Natalie Man
Jack Lockwood gave the following updates in Natalie’s absence:
- The Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) tested 263 people at Carver High School this past Saturday
- They will be testing in Randolph County this coming weekend. Details to follow
- There are 615 cases in Muscogee County; 232 cases in Crisp County; 179 cases in Lee County; 179 cases in Randolph County; 475 cases in Sumter County
- The numbers are rising. Caution is still needed in the public
Muscogee County School District Update-Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis gave the following updates:
- Purchased 1000 hotspots for students to be able to connect virtually for the summer school program
- High school summer school begins today and continues through June 18; middle school June 15 through July 2; elementary school July 13 through July 30
- Streaming of virtual graduation services begin today at 10:00am
- This morning the Department of Education has released guidance concerning the upcoming school year; fortunately, the guidance aligns with the Muscogee County Districts plans of deciding whether school will be in person, virtual or a hybrid of both
Columbus Area Vulnerable Population Update
Home for Good Update-Pat Frey
Pat gave the following updates:
- Clients who tested positive for COVID-19 at SafeHouse recently were retested and everyone is negative
- None of the clients went back to the street when they left isolation; 50% went directly to permanent housing and the others are in temporary housing while local service providers work to expedite them into permanent housing
- Our community has been selected to have technical assistance provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in conducting planning and strategies to meet the needs of the community going forward
- The Department of Community Affairs has agreed to serve on our planning committee
- Excited that the plans that our community put in place early have been recognized and our community is being highlighted
- Rehousing and Coordinated Entry Document
Coronavirus Response Fund (Crisis Fund) Update-Betsy Covington
Betsy gave the following updates:
- The grant committee will meet after this call to make this week’s grant decisions
- Grants request continue to come in; to review grants and needs and to donate go to cfcv.com/coronavirus
- Summer camps start today; they are important for children to be able to get out of the house and still stay safe while parents are working
- Thankful for local churches that have stepped forward to help finance the need for individual water bottles (due to the coronavirus) for summer camps
- Publix Supermarket’s national office has also stepped forward to help by contributing cases of water. They will store the water and deliver to the summer camps when needed
- The cost will be $4,200(from the Coronavirus response Fund) as opposed to the $14,000 that was originally needed; you can donate at cfcv.com/coronavirus
- List of summer camps can be found by contacting 211