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National and State Update-Ben Moser
Ben gave the following updates for Day 55 of the National Emergency over the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 from national, state and local news sources:
- The European Union’s economy is set to shrink by 7.4% this year in the brutal aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. To put this figure in perspective, the European Union’s economy had been predicted to grow by 1.2% this year and in the 2009 financial crisis the economy shrank by 4.5%
- Precipitous decline in car sales amid the deadly coronavirus outbreak has caught the attention of Capitol Hill. Some law makers are now urging Congress to authorize new aid to the auto industry. Since the outbreak began retailers have sold nearly 800,000 fewer vehicles than forecasted
- The Trump Administration is considering disbanding the White House ‘s Coronavirus Task Force. President Trump confirmed the discussion saying that the government was considering setting up a new group focused on safety reopening
- In Georgia, A new coronavirus hotspot has emerged in northeast Georgia stirring fears that the region could see the devastating human toll already experienced in the states opposite corner. The number of new cases in the Gainesville area increased exponential each week during April
- In Alabama, reminder for COVID-19 resources for businesses and individuals, visit altogetheralabama.org
Columbus Area Updates
Columbus Consolidated Government Update-Mayor Skip Henderson
Mayor Henderson gave the following updates:
- Our numbers are at a moderate increase; as of this morning there are 344 confirmed cases and 8 deaths in Muscogee County
- Continuing to monitor the hospitalization rate; encouraged that they are prepared if there is a surge; if the hospitals were to become overwhelmed there are backup plans in place; Local hospitals have done a great job managing their resources
- Vehicle registrations that expired in March and April are being extended through June 15, 2020
- By next week we will need to get additional information from the Governor concerning the order that is set to expire on next week
- Budget review meeting last night; council is doing a great job; tough job to do; unique and uncertain process
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) Update-Natalie Man
Pamela Kirkland gave the following updates in Natalie’s absence:
- The Columbus Health Department did 43 tests on yesterday and 37 on Monday
- Testing at Dorothy Height Elementary this past weekend was a success; more than 200 people were tested
- This Saturday, May 9, 2020 there will be no testing at the Columbus Health Department, instead testing will take place at Shirley Winston Park at 5025 Steam Mill Road from 9:00am until 12:00noon; testing is free
- They will be testing at another location on the following Saturday (to be determined)
Muscogee County School District Update-Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis gave the following updates:
- Recognizing teachers for Teacher’s Appreciation Week
- Friday is the deadline for students to return completed work; teachers will be grading for final grades and graduation
- Summer feeding program begins June 1st discussing plans on filling the gap between May 22nd and June 1st
- High School graduations will be held in July at the Civic Center, health conditions permitting
Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce Update-Ben Moser obo Amy Bryan
Ben gave the following updates:
- There will be a Zoom meeting with United States Senator David Perdue on tomorrow, May 7 at 11:30am, Update on COVID-19 Legislation
- There will be a Zoom meeting with United States Congressman Sanford Bishop on Friday, May 8 at 3:00pm, COVID-19 and the Cares Act
- Information about the calls can be found on the Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce website https://columbusgachamber.com/ or Facebook page or email Amy Bryan
Columbus Area Vulnerable Population Update
Home for Good Update-Pat Frey
Pat gave the following updates:
- There were 35 participants in the COC Housing Navigation and COVID-19 Response Virtual Meeting on yesterday; One of the topics that was discussed yesterday was how to assist service providers in helping their clients complete the Census. Will be sending out a questionnaire for feedback from providers
- http://www.homeforgoodcv.org/coc-housing-navigation-meeting/
- to join the June 2, 2020 COC Housing Navigation and COVID-19 Response Meeting https://meetingsamer8.webex.com/meetingsamer8/j.php?MTID=m17b36d6e708db4362f0367182ab6449e
Coronavirus Response Fund (Crisis Fund) Update-Betsy Covington
Betsy gave the following updates:
- This week grants total $103,620 to seven area organizations; details can be found on the Community Foundation website cfcv.com/coronavirus
- Total grants awarded to date are $830,220
- 52% of the grants made from the fund supported food accessibility; 18% supported healthcare and safety issues; 17% helped organizations offer financial assistance; 12% covered housing and shelter needs; 2% provided childcare support(the percentages do not include the special $500,000 grant from an anonymous donor for St. Francis Emory Healthcare to increase their critical care capacity)
- Please help keep the vision going; AFLAC match is still available; go to cfcv.com/coronavirus to donate
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