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National and State Update-Ben Moser
Ben gave the following updates for Day 63 of the National Emergency over the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 from national, state and local news sources:
New York Times:
- The Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell, said the United States was experiencing an economic hit “without modern precedent” going on to say that “The recovery may take some time to gather momentum, and additional fiscal support could be costly, but worth it if it helps avoid long-term economic damage and leaves us with a stronger recovery.”
Washington Post:
- The Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the decision by Governor Tony Evers on Wednesday to extend a stay-at-home order intended to quell the spread of the novel coronavirus. The 4-3 decision limits Evers’s ability to make statewide rules during emergencies such as a global pandemic, instead requiring him to work with the state legislature on how the state should handle the outbreak
Wall Street Journal:
- More than 2.9 million workers applied for unemployment benefits last week, with 36.5 million total applications in two months of the coronavirus impact
In Georgia:
- Total Tests: 273,904
- Confirmed COVID-19 Cases: 35,427
- ICU Admissions: 1,511
- Hospitalizations: 6,308
- Deaths: 1,517
In Alabama:
- Reminder – For COVID-19 resources for businesses and individuals, please visit altogetheralabama.org
Columbus Area Updates
Alabama State Representative Update-Representative Chris Blackshear
Ben gave the following updates in Representative Blackshear’s absence:
- There are 10,700 cases in Alabama as of this morning
- There are 436 cases in Lee County with 30 deaths
- There are 324 cases in Chambers County with 23 deaths
- There are 88 cases in Russell County with 0 deaths
- A total of 138,103 people have been tested in Alabama
- There are 1,304 people hospitalized and 450 confirmed deaths
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) Update-Natalie Man
Natalie gave the following updates:
- Reminder: The Georgia Department of Public Health and the Columbus Health Department are extending testing capabilities; drive-thru testing will take place this Saturday, May 16 from 9:00am until 1:00pm in the parking lot of the Columbus Civic Center; anyone interested in volunteering to be a runner for the event can contact Natalie at the Columbus Heath Department
- There are 1,677 cases in the 16-county health district with 400 cases in Muscogee County and 409 cases in Sumter County
- Reminder to visit the Georgia Department of Public Health website for daily updates dph.georgia.gov
Columbus Area Vulnerable Population Update
Home for Good Update-Pat Frey
Pat gave the following updates:
- Reminder to housing service providers to complete the Nonprofit Community Assessment for the Chattahoochee Valley to get a better look at what the needs are in the community; important to get input from everyone https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/63FSG3M
- Reminder that there will be walk up testing at SafeHouse Ministries on Monday, May 18, 2020 from 9:00am-2:00pm for persons experiencing homelessness. See attached flyer for additional information TestingFlyer.pdf
Coronavirus Response Fund (Crisis Fund) Update-Betsy Covington
JJ Musgrove gave the following updates in Betsy’s absence:
- Reminder that grant awards this week totaled $13,500 to front line nonprofits doing great work in the community
- Total grants awarded to date total approximately $844,000 from the fund
- Reminder of the AFLAC match; AFLAC will match individual gifts to the fund up to $2,000 for a total of $100,000; great way to double your gift; go to cfcv.com/coronavirus to get more information
- Reminder to nonprofits that are not necessarily front-line organizations that are feeling the impact of reduced revenues to go to cfcv.com/coronavirus and fill out the Nonprofit Assessment Tool; this tool will allow philanthropist to see what is going on with your organization and how they can make an impact
- Reminder about valleyhelp.org; dashboard to connect to local information on how you can make an impact in the community
Open Forum Updates
211 Update-Candace Muncy
Candace gave the following updates:
- 211 calls remain high for basic needs; shelter, food and utility assistance
- United Way recently convened a meeting between agencies who provide utility assistance to those in need with the utility service providers. The purpose of the meeting was to look at ways of how to best help those who are struggling with utility bills one the disconnects resume
- No date has been set for when disconnects will resume; the utility companies are still monitoring the situation
- Great to see the collaboration between the two groups looking out for those in our community that are being hardest hit by the pandemic
New Horizons Behavioral Health Update-Susan Gallagher
Susan gave the following updates:
- DBHDD Office of Behavioral Health Prevention is presenting daily free webinars during National Prevention Week, May 10-16
- Reminder: Friday’s webinar, May 15, 2020 12:00pm-1:00pm covers the known risk factors for Suicide that the COVID-19 pandemic could be exacerbating
- Visit https://dbhdd.georgia.gov/bh-prevention to register