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April 16, 2020: Coronavirus Community Call

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National and State Update-Ben Moser

Ben gave the following updates for Day 35 of the National Emergency over the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 from national, state and local news sources:

  • President Trump is set to issues new federal guidelines on social distancing in a bid to move the county closer to reopening for business
  • Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, said governors and mayors will make the call on lifting restrictions after receiving guidance from the federal government. She warned that there is no time for Americans to become complacent about social distancing
  • China, the biggest maker of surgical mask and other personal protection equipment (PPE) will not restrict exports of medical goods needed to fight the virus
  • About 80 million people should have received a stimulus check or direct deposit on yesterday according to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Those who have not, can check later this week for the status of their payment
  • United States unemployment claims top 20 million since the start of the shutdown. Another 5.2 million workers applied for unemployment last week
  • In Georgia, Governor Kemp gave Augusta University a shout out for their work with telehealth to screen patients for COVID-19. He announced that this service is now available to all Georgians and the app is called AU Health Express Care
  • In Alabama, reminder for COVID-19 resources for businesses and individuals, go to

Columbus Area Updates

United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley Volunteer Center Update-Rachel Chambless

Rachel gave the following updates:

  • A Coronavirus Volunteer Response section has been added under the Coronavirus tab on the United Way website; volunteers can find ongoing needs as well as virtual ways to volunteer; information is updated regularly
  • Volunteer opportunities on the website include making thank you cards for teachers, healthcare workers and Publix Employees (this can be done virtually), Muscogee County Schools food distribution, MercyMed, Red Cross, and making face mask
  • There are also guidelines on how to volunteer safely in the community
  • Information can also be found under the general volunteer information tab on the United Way website
  • Continuing to gather information on needs as it relates to this crisis. If anyone has a need for volunteers, contact Rachel at
  • Volunteer response from the community has been amazing
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) Update-Natalie Mann

Natalie gave the following updates:

  • As of this morning, there were 185 cases in Muscogee County; 58 in Dooly County; 37 in Macon County; 133 in Randolph County; 276 in Sumter County
  • Total cases in the 16-county health district are 898
  • Check the Georgia Department of Public Health website for updates
  • The Columbus Health Department’s drive-thru testing hours are 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday thru Friday and 9:00am -12:00noon on Saturday; no appointment needed
Muscogee County School District Update-Dr. David Lewis

Dr. Lewis gave the following updates:

  • Reminder starting next Monday, the feeding program will go from five days a week to three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Less days but same number of meals
Columbus Area Vulnerable Population Update
Home for Good Update-Pat Frey

Pat gave the following updates:

  • Continue outreach to the unsheltered population; this is challenging due to limited staffing; providers working together to meet needs
  • Working with Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) technical assistance on how data is being captured for individuals being serviced in emergency shelters and how data will be used going forward; participating in communities of practice for transitioning after the virus and system modeling to help individuals access and maintain housing
  • Local service providers are using the flexibility of mega waivers to service individuals
Crisis Fund Update-Betsy Covington

Betsy gave the following updates:

  • Second round of grant funds were awarded yesterday in the amount of $537.500; $673,600 in grants have been awardee so far; testament of the generosity for the community and a view of the amount of need in the community
  • Reminder to callers to share information about the fund on social media to make sure that the fund continues to stay well supported
  • Reminder to non-profits needing assistance go to and fill out the form
  • The daily call will have a new platform beginning on Monday. Go to and there is a drop down for Community Call, also Ben will update the calendar invite
  • The Coronavirus Fund will be in existence for as long as people are willing to contribute and for as long as there are needs

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