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National and State Update
Ben Moser gave the following updates for Day 18 of the National Emergency from national, state and local news sources:
- The President extends social distancing measures until at least April 30, 2020
- Nationwide deaths approach 2,500 with more than 1,000 of those in New York
- Spain has asked residents to go into hibernation as the death tolls climbs
- Dr. Anthony Fauci estimates that the United States could see millions of cases and over 100,000 deaths
- First federal airlift touched down in the New York tri-state area to deliver much need medical supplies
- Flight from Shanghai landed at JFK airport with supplies mostly for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut; 20 more flights are planned through early April
- Los Angeles County had five more deaths and total cases are up to 2,100
- China returns to work after months of dealing with the virus
- New starting date for the Olympics is July 2021
- Georgia Governor Kemp announced that President Trump has declared a major disaster for the state of Georgia includes all 159 counties
- Alabama Governor Ivey thanked Apple CEO for donating 65,000 N95 masks to Alabama
Columbus Area Updates
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department)Update-Natalie Mann
Natalie gave the following updates:
- There are nine cases in Muscogee County
- Half of the 16 counties in the health district have positive cases
- The total number of tests showing on the website is the total number of tests administered
Columbus Consolidated Government Update-Mayor Skip Henderson
Mayor Henderson gave the following updates:
- He is out of quarantine; the person that he came in contact with two weeks ago has tested negative
- The deadline for the city order is coming up; extend to mirror national timeline; continue to tweak
- He is thankful that the majority of the community and businesses are taking this seriously and doing what they can; he rode by stores and businesses this weekend
- If you see someone especially businesses doing the right thing thank them; if you see someone doing the wrong thing urge them to rethink their position
Muscogee County School District Update-Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis gave the following updates:
- Muscogee County School District is on Spring Break this week
- Thankful to the community partners who were able to continue the feeding program during Spring Break
- Meals from the school district and distance learning will resume next week after Spring Break
- Restart school date of April 27, 2020 conflicts with President’s Trump date of April 30, 2020; await guidance from Governor Kemp
Alabama State Representative Update Chris Blackshear
Representative Blackshear gave the following updates:
- Conference call updates with Governor Ivey later this morning
- Eight hundred thirty cases in Alabama
- Fifty-seven cases in Lee County and one in Russell County
- Six thousand, five hundred, thirty-one total people tested
- Twenty counties with testing sites
- Six deaths reported through the Alabama Department of Public Health
- The coroner of Lee County has reported six deaths just at the East Alabama Medical Center alone; dire situation at East Alabama Medical Center
Piedmont Columbus Regional Update-Joel Ames
Joel gave the following updates:
- Piedmont is following new guidelines about release of information concerning the coronavirus
- They will be depending on the Georgia Department of Public Health to be the sole provider of information concerning coronavirus patients
Columbus Area Vulnerable Population Update
Home for Good Update-Pat Frey
In Pat’s absence, Ben gave the following updates:
Area service providers continue to work together to meet the needs of our vulnerable population by:
- Providing shelter for those seeking shelter, access to sanitation and hygiene, and access to food
- Communicating signs and symptoms, access to screening and messaging on availability of resources and services
Crisis Fund Update-Betsy Covington
Betsy gave the following updates:
- Reminded callers of the match offer from TSYS
- Guidelines are up and they are looking at needs in the community
- Seeing impact from economic standpoint
- Share information about the fund with others. CFCV.com/coronavirus
- Reminded front line organizations to share their needs
Open Forum Updates
MercyMed Update-Billy Holbrook
Billy gave the following updates:
- They will host another Zoom call in Spanish on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 3:00pm. MercyMed doctors will discuss the coronavirus
St Francis Hospital Update-Melody Trimble
Melody gave the following updates:
- Thanked the entire community for their support and collaboration
- St. Francis is there if they are needed; they have the capacity to help
Feeding the Valley Update-Frank Sheppard
Frank gave the following updates:
- First meals for Muscogee County children will be delivered today
- Expect to deliver 9,000 meals this week
- Thanked partners and his staff
211 Update-Candace Muncy
Candace gave the following updates:
- Calls continue to come in; the top needs are food, hygiene products and rental assistance
- Calls continue to come in; the top needs are food, hygiene products and rental assistance